Active Programs / Upcoming Events / Event Details
You"re registering for:
Wildlife Stewards Black Bear Happenings


Meeting on: Located at:
11/6/2024 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Grafton County Senior Citizens Council
194 Pollard Road
LincolnNH 03251
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General Class Information

Please reach out to the Grafton County Senior Citizens Council - Linwood Area Senior Services with questions about registration. 

Fish and Wildlife Stewards Presents:

Black Bear Happenings in New Hampshire

A New Hampshire Fish and Wildlife Steward will share information about black bears in the state. You will learn about the natural history of this intriguing mammal, its habitat needs, and ways to avoid potentially costly conflicts. Also, hear about the amazing federal funding mechanism that supports long-term research and is largely responsible for our country's abundant fish and wildlife.

About the Location


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Special Accommodations:

If you have any special needs please contact the chief instructor who will accommodate you.